Jenkins vs Wercker

August 26, 2021

Jenkins vs Wercker: Which is the Better DevOps Tool?

If you're a DevOps engineer on the fence about which tool to use for your CI/CD pipeline, you're not alone. Jenkins and Wercker are both popular options in the DevOps world, but which one is the better choice? We're going to break down the pros and cons of each tool so you can make an informed decision.


Jenkins is an open-source automation server that enables developers to build, test, and deploy their code continuously. It's been around since 2004 and has a massive user community. Jenkins is highly extensible, with over 1,400 plugins available, which is a definite plus.

One of the primary advantages of Jenkins is its flexibility. You can use it with any programming language, and it works well with containers and other DevOps tools like Ansible and AWS. Jenkins is also highly configurable, which means you can customize it to fit your specific requirements.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Jenkins can be a bit overwhelming for newer users, given the learning curve involved in customizing and operating it. Security can also be a concern, as a poorly configured Jenkins setup can lead to data breaches.


Wercker is a container-centric automation platform that targets cloud-native applications. It was initially designed for Docker, but it can be used with other container platforms like Kubernetes and Mesos. Wercker is focused on simplifying the DevOps process, allowing developers to create pipelines in minutes.

One of the primary benefits of Wercker is its ease of use. It provides a straightforward user interface, and you can get started quickly, with no complex setup required. Wercker also provides a simple pipeline creation process that makes it easy for developers to build and deploy their applications.

On the downside, Wercker's simplicity could be a detractor for some. Wercker doesn't have as many customization options compared to Jenkins and may not be suitable for more complex use cases. Furthermore, Wercker is a relatively new tool, and its user community is not as extensive as Jenkins.

The Verdict

At the end of the day, both Jenkins and Wercker are excellent DevOps tools that can help you streamline your workflow. If you're looking for flexibility and customization, Jenkins is the way to go. If you're looking for simplicity and easier deployment of cloud-native applications, you should consider Wercker.

Your decision might also depend on your budget, as Wercker has a free plan and more affordable paid options, whereas Jenkins requires more effort and budget to maintain, given that you'd need to handle the infrastructure, unlike Wercker's cloud-based offering.

Ultimately, the best choice for your organization depends on your specific requirements, budget, and the DevOps skill sets of your team.


  1. Jenkins - Build great things at any scale
  2. Wercker - Make container-centric applications with ease

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